El Poncho Perdido

El Poncho Perdido

In the early 70s, there was a time when the gaucho look was all the rage in women’s fashion. Suddenly, suburbs were afloat in bolero hats, leather boots, and gaucho pants, which always looked like bloomers that had somehow lost their bungee. My mom even had a poncho...
Master the World–Wine Tasting Kit and Webinar

Master the World–Wine Tasting Kit and Webinar

One of the questions I’m most often asked is about the meaning of life. Which, as anyone knows, is 42. Sorry, inside joke. Actually, the most often asked wine question is a variation of how someone can learn more about tasting. Or how someone studying wine can get...
Romaines of the Day

Romaines of the Day

Happy New Year to all. I hope you were able to enjoy some quality down time during the holidays. Pictured above is our New Year’s eve dinner. Beverage choices for the evening included a pre-meal glass of NV Laurent-Perrier Brut La Cuvée, followed by a...
American Hooch

American Hooch

Mankind has been happily consuming alcoholic beverages for thousands of years. Historical evidence points to beer being made long before wine. At the very least, we know that the scores of unfortunate souls who built the pyramids were paid in beer and bread. The two,...
2023 Holiday Book Bag

2023 Holiday Book Bag

It’s that time of year. The holidays are banging on the front door of your mind like a bunch of Jehovah’s Witnesses gone rogue. Yes, the end of the year is nigh and with it comes the chaos of gift shopping, office parties, and other seasonal social dysfunction. The...